Thursday, July 27, 2006


We noticed last week what a disproportionate number of participants had Tolkien's Lord of the Rings either in their list of "most tattered" books or featured in the photos. So . . .
  1. Have you read Lord of the Rings?
  2. If so, how many times have you read it? Just once? Or so many you can't count?
  3. If not, why not? Not your cup of tea?
  4. And, while we're on the subject, did you see the Oscar-winning movie(s)? What did you think?

If you want, highlight the stuff in the box, then copy it to your blog.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


  1. What is most battered book in your collection? The one with loose pages, tattered corners, and page edges so soft that there's not even a risk of paper cuts anymore?
  2. Why is this book so tattered? Is it that you love it so much that you've read it a zillion times? Is it a reference book you've used every day for the last seven years? Something your new puppy teethed on when you weren't looking?

If you want, highlight the stuff in the box, then copy it to your blog.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Okay, here goes . . . my first set of questions. (Is stage fright normal for this kind of thing?)

  1. What is the most pristine, perfect book in your collection? The one that looks like it's never been opened (and in fact may never have been)? Whose binding is uncracked, the corners still perfect?
  2. Why is that book so perfect? Was it a gift? Is it a coffee table book too beautiful to use? Something you simply have no interest in and haven't bothered to open?

If you want, highlight the stuff in the box, then copy it to your blog.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Deb has graciously agreed to help me out here in this meme by coming up with questions for you all to answer this week and in the future. Yippee! Not only is Deb a book junkie—as evidenced by her library of 2,760 books—but she is also a superb knitter, and mom to her sweet dog, Chappy. Make sure you check out her blog, especially if you're into lace knitting. Wow!

Thank you, Deb!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006


This week's questions were suggested by Christine.
  1. Do you read non-fiction books for pleasure, not counting books required for courses or for work?
  2. If so, what areas of non-fiction interest you the most? If not, why not?
  3. What are some of your favorite books from those areas?

If you want, highlight the stuff in the box, then copy it to your blog.